Mad or sad, all with my dad!

When jokes I crack, you fake your smile
You are always fussy as a child
You sleep n snore which I can't handle
You forget the day to bring me cake n candle
You tease me more than I can stand
But dad, still I give you my friendship band
Cause I know that I can count on you
The best is always whatever you do
You become my eyes when I can't see
You become my voice when I fear to speak
I can't tell you more than this all
Cause it's a feeling, not a random talk
There's so much more to say and share
But this short note is to show I care
There're no more words left with me for you
Cause no one loves you more than I do!!!


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Mahika's bookshelf: currently-reading

The Beauty of the Moment
tagged: currently-reading
Unposted Letter
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