
Brighten up your day
Open up your mind
And calm down your soul... 

Present over you some of Mahik's originals

You are free to share these thoughts under copyright©
P. S. The thoughts are originally by Mahik's. And using the quotes without crediting the author will violate the rights. Kindly don’t do so. 

1.When struggle comes your way, be quiet….. Don’t quit

2.    Live the truth instead of hiding the lies

3.    Tell your words, or you'll be told

4.    Stay on ground, you'll touch the sky.....

5.    Start loving what you have
rather than moaning on what you left behind

6.    A hug does more than a talk

7.    I don't show my real side
until I know yours

8.    Diamonds shine better in the dawn

9.    Thunders are a part of achieving wonders!

10. I'm not here to face the truth,
I'm here to change it

11. Behind those clouds is a beautiful sun,
wait for the wind to blow,
it's never always dark,
it's just a shadow

12. Words can heal a mind,
music can heal a soul,
but a friend is the one
who can deal with both.
Friends are precious diamonds.... keep them safely.

13. Take one step forward
and it leads to hundred steps on path.

14. Lost in thoughts,
found in soul,
calm from heart,
peace in whole.

15. Even the moon has patches,
even the sky gets dark!
It's not just you or me,
everything has a scar

16. Don't expect the light to make you bright,
analyze the beauty to help you shine.

17. She is a sea of many imperfect waves.
But without them,
there's just some undefined water

18. Today's reality was yesterday's imagination

19. Why did you fail?
Either you were not on it or, not for it

20. Sadly, truth for you is what you believe

21. Most imperfect pics make the most perfect memories

22. All that matters to me is that I matter to you

23. Don't let your past take away your present

24.     Life without LIFE is a life wasted!

25. Go where the wind takes you, go where the best you do, listen to your heart and ride on, ‘cause life is yours to choose

26. You’ll never know what’s waiting for you the other side if you don’t have the courage to leave from where you are

27. You are the biggest evil of your story and also the best buddy of your journey. You gotta be both at times, life is not the same always

28. Every tree is from the same land. The difference is the way you sow the seeds, nourish them and how they flourish.

29. I’m young, not big. Well, not big enough!

30. A masterpiece is not something extraordinaire. It’s every piece you master

31. they say that everything is possible, so can they bring you back?

32. They say anything is possible, so can they bring you back? 

33. My heart is all yours, but its queen is still me!

34. Everything happens for a reason,
It's not a bad life,
just a bad season 

35.Love yourself so much that people start feeling jealous

36. What's life? A mystery that unfolds itself when we don't try to solve it at all!

37. Silent nights indicate restless minds!

38. If you could stay on earth again.
if I could get just a one more sight!


(the pic posted above is an original one...)


  1. Hey Mahika!
    Hope ur doing well...Please never stop writing... Coz only a few can express their thoughts into such beautiful words...n u r one of them..all the bestπŸ‘♥♥

    1. Hi! I'm good, hope you're doing great as well.

      Thanks a lot for your kind words sweetie πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

  2. Wow mahika! You have really acheived wonders

  3. Keep growing Mahika

  4. You're a true star. Your words shine so bright and you're able to express your thoughts so beautifully with these wonderful quotes of yours. Keep it up!♥️

  5. It is real good. Trust me you have something which people rarely have.

  6. I cannot beluve such a teenage girl can write so thoughtful you Mahika are a true inspiration for today's time kids

  7. Thanks a lot everyone πŸ™
    Thanks for always encouraging me to write more and more! Your appreciation means a lot to meπŸ˜‡

  8. I love it, it is so inspiring for me.. thanks for putting it out!


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The Beauty of the Moment
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Unposted Letter
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