live lyrically!!!!


Posting my 50th creation! I believe that it's a significant milestone to reach because when I first opened my blog, I was so unsure and had no clue that it would reach from nothing to a little more something! Thanks for all the love and support. I couldn't have done it without your motivation and readership :)

life plays us like melodic keys

moody and musical, as it feels

I'm the song, also the rest

is the rhythm along, I weave my nest

seldom I get, lost in notes

that's when I let my soul flow

strings and keys get hit, hardcore

but that lets out the best score

the music we create lifelong

is what's played as a diary song

when the melody inside us, stops the pen

and we overcome the aroma, amen!


  1. Congratulations Mahika for achieving a milestone. More to go! Wish you the best!

  2. Nice thoughts mahika...keep on going congratulations

  3. You improvised with each new poem. Keep it on and soon you become master of it. Kudos to you.

  4. Great poem mahika..congratulations.. Keep writing


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Mahika's bookshelf: currently-reading

The Beauty of the Moment
tagged: currently-reading
Unposted Letter
tagged: currently-reading

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