Musical me

The rap notes when hit my head
I nod and dance and spring my neck
When rhythms so smooth soothe my ears 
I bring back the memories back in years
When I freak out with my heavy brain
I play my music to kill the pain
Pals when come to rock my day
I turn on speaker and noise I make

When I need and what I want
My songs know me, strong is our bond
I shed my tears or take over fears
I rock my mood or dreams come near

The language of music knows me well
When world can't feel me, music can
It speaks when all silent themselves 
When it comes to music, I'm speechless


  1. Very Nice Keep it up, I actually read it like a rap.

  2. Sounds musical and fits for me as well..composed so well

  3. Very nice n cheerful poem Mahika..keep it up beta

  4. So well written ! God bless you.

  5. Really appreciable effort mahika .. Going great . Keep it up

  6. Fabulous,.........

  7. That's deep.. I am sure you think alot.. Thoughts beautifully written..


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The Beauty of the Moment
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Unposted Letter
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